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Appropriations For The Year 2023


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the provisions of Section 3301.2(a) of the Borough Code that the Borough Council of the Borough of Steelton will, at its regular meeting of Monday, December 5, 2022, at 6:30 p.m., consider the adoption of an ordinance, and, if appropriate, enact an Ordinance, the title and summary of which follows:




BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the Council members of Steelton Borough, County of Dauphin, Pennsylvania:

SECTION 1: That for the expenses for the fiscal year 2023 the following amounts are hereby appropriated from the revenues available from the current year for the specific purposes set forth below, which amounts are more fully itemized in the Budget Form

General Fund

Summary of Estimated Receipts Operations and Capital Outlay Total


Cash and Securities

Real Estate Taxes – Building Current 1,315,750 1,315,750

Real Estate Taxes – Land Current 518,983 518,983

Real Estate Taxes – Building Delinquent 285,000 285,000

Occupational Taxes – Current 45,000 45,000

Occupational Taxes – Delinquent 15,000 15,000

Per Capita Taxes – Current 6,000 6,000

Per Capita Taxes – Delinquent 1,500 1,500

Real Estate Transfer Tax 115,543 115,543

Earned Income Tax 480,000 480,000

Local Services Tax 55,000 55,000

Local Service Tax -Prior Year 15,200 15,200

Cable Franchise Payment 96,000 96,000

Court Fines 12,000 12,000

Vehicle Codes Violations 35,000 35,000

Ordinance Violations 7,000 7,000

Codes Fines 11,500 11,500

Parking Violations 25,000 25,000

Soliciting Permit 90 90

Interest Earnings 7,838 7,838

Community Development Grants 55,000 55,000

Penn DOT Snow Contract 20,837 20,837

Grants 20,000 20,000

Public Utility Realty Tax 3,259 3,259

Alcoholic Beverage Licenses 1,050 1,050

PA Pension Allocation 176,135 176,135

Firemen’s Relief Funds 28,000 28,000

In Lieu of Taxes Payment 2,000 2,000

Copies/Fax Charges 28 28

NSF Check Charges 50 50

Landlord Tennant Report Filing Fees 26,000 26,000

Planning Commission Fees 213 213

Zoning Hearing Fees 636 636

Sale of Police Accident Reports 1,305 1,305

Permit Application Fees 870 870

Building Permits 8,500 8,500

Electrical Permits 100 100

Plumbing Permits 100 100

Rental Inspection Fees 25,000 25,000

Swimming Pool Permits 60 60

Sign Permits 100 100

Uniform Construction Code Fee 153 153

Property Registration Fee 4,644 4,644

Street Cut Permits 9,140 9,140

Disabled Parking Permit 175 175

Refuse Administration Fees 12,000 12,000

Dauphin county Reimbursement 16,000 16,000

Boat Dock Permit Fees 11,000 11,000

Boat Dock Daily Use Permits 200 200

Donations Steelton Fest 20,975 20,975

Lien Processing Fees 30 30

Prior Water Revenue 13,443 13,443

Health Insurance Refund 125,000 125,000

Worker’s Compensation Refund 2,695 2,695

Donations 100 100

Transfer from Sewer Fund 250,000 250,000

Transfer from Storm Water Authority 60,150 60,150

Transfer from GOB 2015 Debt Service 120,409 120,409

Transfer from Reserves 73,314 73,314

Total Estimated Receipts and Cash 4,136,075

Summary of Appropriations

General Government and Legislative 17,699 17,699

Executive 2475 2475

Administration 367,337 367,337

Tax Collection 59,975 59,975

Municipal Building 38,369 38,369

Police 2,326,559 2,326,559

Fire 106,250 106,250

Ambulance 30,000 30,000

Protective Inspections (Codes) 271,394 271,394

Emergency Preparedness 500 500

Highways 489,140 489,140

Snow Removal 34,901 34,901

Signs/Signals/Markings 5,700 5,700

Parks Department 25,351 25,351

Boat Dock 3,670 3,670

Neighborhood and Economic Development 22,345 22,345

Principal Debt Service 80,710 80,710

Interest Debt Service 48,700 48,700

Interfund Operating Transfers 177,000 177,000

Contributions/Grants/Subsidies 28,000 28,000

Total All Functions 4,136,075

Sewer Fund

Summary of Estimated Receipts

Sewer Rentals 1,900,000 1,900,000

Swatara Township Payment 115,000 115,000

Interest Earnings 7,500 7,500

Penalties/Late Fees 50,000 50,000

Property Transfer Fees 5,000 5,000

NSF Check Charges 250 250

Annual Royalty 4,000 4,000

Transfer From Reserves 84,247 84,247

Lien Processing Fees 70 70

Total Estimated Receipts and Cash 2,166,067

Summary of Appropriations

Municipal Building 71,450 71,450

Garage 27,700 27,700

Sewer Operating 518,853 518,853

Plant 156,545 156,545

Administrative 851,717 851,717

Neighborhood & Economic Development 120 120

Interfund Operating Transfers 250,000 250,000

DCIB Loan 2022 Principal 197,290 197,290

DCIB Loan 2022 Interest 92,392 92,392

Total All Functions 2,166,067

SECTION 2: An estimate of the specific items making up the amounts appropriated to the respective departments is on file in the Office of the Borough of Steelton, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.

SECTION 3: That any ordinance, or part of ordinance, conflicting with this ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed insofar as the same affects this ordinance.

A complete copy of the Ordinance may be examined or obtained at the Steelton Frederick Douglas Municipal Building located at 123 North Front Street, Steelton, Pennsylvania, during normal business hours.

David Kratzer, Interim Borough Secretary

123 North Front Street

Steelton, PA 17113

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